Driglam Publication

Nyer Khoi Driglam Namzhag

Nyer Khoi Driglam Namzhag

Published by Driglam Division, it is a compiled and updated version of previous Driglam Books. The book deals with day to day practice of Driglam in one’s life – mainly of body, speech and mind aspects code of etiquette.

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-Published by Driglam Division

Metshey Jarim(Life Proceeding)

Metshey Jarim(Life Proceeding)

Metshey Jarim, The book contains 72   pages including the content of the book, back ground of the book and the main contents. The main content of the book deals with a human life starting from the birth till death. The major stage of human life cycle includes birth, infancy, toddler, puberty, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, old age and the death.

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-Published by Driglam Division

Phel Kyed Dang Zhey Sai Ming Tshig Na Nyed

Phel Kyed Dang Zhey Sai Ming Tshig Na Nyed

Is a guide on the usage of honorific terms on the day to day life. It is categorized under nine sub topics; (1-Usage of Honorific terms related to Body and its parts, 2- Usage of Honorific terms related to Speech, 3- Usage of Honorific terms related to Mental Aspects, 4- Usage of Honorific terms related to Family Members and Relatives, 5- Usage of Honorific terms related to Dress, 6- Usage of Honorific terms related to Things, 7- Usage of Honorific terms related to Food Items, 8- Usage of Honorific terms related to Names, Nouns and Titles, 9- Usage of Honorific terms related to Work and Action).

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-Published by Driglam Division


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